Mantra Meditation

The science of mantra is an ancient one which provides a simple but effective method of balancing the mental and emotional energies.

A practical workshop is being conducted to explore the use of mantra as a firm foundation for further practice and expansion of personal understanding.

Presenter: Swami Sumitrananda Saraswati is to join the teachers and administration teams at Padmasambhava after completing programs throughout the UK this summer. She has spent many years living and working in both the Australian Ashram and under the guidance of Swami Niranjanananda at Bihar Shool of Yoga, Munger India.

Venue: Padmasambhava

Date: Saturday 8th November

Fee: £35

Last Modification: Tuesday 09 of September, 2008 22:28:01 BST   -----   ©Padmasambhava 2008

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